Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week 12 Bacon Wrapped Dates

Before coming back to school, my friends and I get together and have a big cook out. Drinking is the fun part, but the food is what we look most forward to. One of their favorite dishes that I make is so scrumptious that it's always the first to be gone. I learned about it from a local tapas restaurant that would serve it only for lunch. This week I present one of my favorite recipes, Bacon-wrapped Dates.

The mix of bacon, cheese and dates flavors is sometimes overwhelming. A mix of smokey, sweet and nutty flavors send your taste-buds to the moon and back. Stuffing and wrapping is the most time-consuming part of the recipe. If put together well and cooked right, this dish is a guarantee hit at any party. 

The recipes calls for Parmigiano-Reggiano to be stuffed in the dates. I usually substitute it with almond butter and use the cheese as garnish. If stuffing dates with almond butter be careful in preparation. As long as it doesn't touch the pan, or run off into the pan, there won't be any charring or burning. 

When wrapping the dates, use toothpicks to keep the wrap tight. It'll also be an easy way for guests to pick up and eat the little delicacies. 

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great recipe! I'm always interested in trying new foods and this looks like a great place to start. I'll have to make a trip to the grocery store sometime and whip this up.
