Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 10 Reading

The new book I am reading for my Social Media Principles course is titled "Measure What Matters". In the first two chapters the author Katie Paine emphasizes how PR professionals need to maintain relationships in social media. Paine stresses that measurement isn't just the statistics that your social sites represent, but the relationships that are made with the customers that counts. Good relationships are key in gaining trust, which leads to sales and (hopefully) produces profits.

In order to understand how well a company is doing, Paine suggests to look at the competition and note their success. A strategy may be formed from competitive outlooks. Noting strengths and weaknesses on competitors social pages may help guide what will work for your own social pages.

I'm excited to be reading about measurement in PR. I hope Paine will touch on Google Analytics and some recent data tracking software that may help me in the future.

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